Sunday 4 September 2011

The Dip

We're now in a pretty busy work phase and combined with holidays this leaves little time to practice. A nice problem business wise has lead to more doubt about what I'm working on in tennis and where the next improvement will come from. I can be so motivated by my improvement, which can turn negative and in on myself when I don't practice enough.

Solution: Get out and practice! Even if it's just once a week like right now. Choose not to listen to the voice that says "If you cant practice three times a week its not worth it".  Today was a speculative trip to the club and initially just a gentle hit. Then some great serving practice on my own...... I'm working on really stretching up and through, and practising this by the old drill of overarm throws, then serving and practicing the feeling of stretching up and through, whilst trying to stay loose. Result more snap, and I think more ability to hit up and get my body through.

I think for the past while I've been protecting my shoulder, but it's time to let it go, and explore this envelope.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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