Wednesday 21 September 2011

Dip part 2: Overcoming Excuses - quality focus

I've been so busy with work that its been ten days since I've hit a ball. No exercise.

I'm pleased that I've just completed short 2.5mile run in the streets around hotel. I noticed my focus varying as I ran; at some points wanting to fast forward time as if replaying a recorded tv programme, zipping through the adverts.

I resisted that, staying mindful of my sensations as I and how I interpreted them. When my chest got tight and aching I noticed the thought "maybe I should back off"  - but stayed with the sensations and found they were easily manageable. At other times I felt the urge to slouch;  thinking "just get round, it doesn't matter how". I was  intrigued by this thought, but resisted and instead focused on my running technique and staying tall. Immediately my pace picked up and I got more from the run. The benefits of mindfulness and commitment to quality.

When I got back to the hotel room, I entered the winter postal tournament to give myself a focus and goals for the coming months. 

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